I. Approval of Agenda

II. Approval of Minutes of May 29th, 2014

III. Executive Committee Reports
1. Co-Chair for Student Affairs
2. Co-Chair for Communications
3. Co-Chair for Business
4. USS Delegate
5. UFS Liaison

IV. New Business
1. Resolution in Support of Equitable NYSHIP Mental Health Insurance Coverage
2. Resolution for the Endorsement of Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions
3. New Member Ratification
4. Presentation of Proposed Chartered Organizations
a. Mentoring Future Faculty of Color Group (MFFC)
b. GC-ISO: GC Chapter of the International Socialist Organization
c. Students of the State (SOS)
5. Presentation of Proposed Student Association
a. Computer Science Student Association

V. Steering Officer Reports
a. Officer for Funding
b. Officer for Governance & Membership
c. Officer for Health & Wellness
d. Officer for Outreach
e. Officer for Student Life & Services
f. Officer for Technology & Library

VI. Announcements

VII. Adjournment