At the February 21, 2020 plenary meeting, the Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Council (DSC) unanimously approved amendments to the DSC Constitution Article I. Name and Article III.3.2. The Co-Chair for Communications.

According to Article IX.1 of the DSC Constitution, all members of the Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Organization (DSO) must be notified of changes to the DSC Constitution. The amendments will be presented on the DSC 2020-21 elections ballot for ratification. It is your right to vote on its ratification! 

The DSC 2020-21 Elections will open on April 1, 2020 (12:00 am ET) and end May 15, 2020 (11:59 pm ET). 

The amendments are as follows: 


Current Language: 

The name of this organization shall be the Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Organization (hereafter, “DSO”). The name of the elected body that represents the DSO shall be the Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Council (hereafter, “DSC”).

Proposed Language: 

The name of this organization shall be the Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Organization (hereafter, “DSO DGSO”). The name of the elected body that represents the DSO DGSO shall be the Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Council (hereafter, “DSC DGSC”).


We are updating the acronym for the Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Organization from DSO to DGSO, and the acronym for the Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Council from DSC to DGSC. These new acronyms better reflect the name and mandate of each.


Current Language:

III.3.2. The Co-Chair for Communications

The duties of the Co-Chair for Communications shall include but not be limited to:

a. acting as official spokesperson of the DSC;

b. reporting to the DSC relevant activities of the CUNY Board of Trustees, Graduate Council, Council of Executive Officers, President’s Cabinet, and all other entities that affect Graduate Center students;

c. recording minutes in the absence of a designated minute-taker;

d. keeping or sending to the Graduate Center Archives the minutes, correspondence, reports, and all other non-financial records of the DSC;

e. acting as the liaison to the Graduate Center Archivist

f. furnishing, at request, any available non-financial records of the DSC within five business days; and

g. serving as a non-voting ex-officio member of every affiliate and committee of the DSC unless otherwise elected, appointed, or specified.

Proposed Language:

III.3.2. The Co-Chair for Communications

The duties of the Co-Chair for Communications shall include but not be limited to:

a. acting as official spokesperson of the DSC;

b. reporting to the DSC relevant activities of the CUNY Board of Trustees, Graduate Council, Council of Executive Officers, President’s Cabinet, and all other entities that affect Graduate Center students;

c. recording minutes in the absence of a designated minute-taker;

d. keeping or sending to the Graduate Center Archives the minutes, correspondence, reports, and all other non-financial records of the DSC;

e. acting as the liaison to the Graduate Center Archivist;

d. keeping and organizing the minutes, correspondence, reports, and all other non-financial records of the DSC;

f. e. furnishing, at request, any available non-financial records of the DSC within five business days; and

g. f. serving as a non-voting ex-officio member of every affiliate and committee of the DSC unless otherwise elected, appointed, or specified.


There is no GC Archive or Archivist anymore so this duty of the CCC is irrelevant. It is, however, still the duty of the CCC to maintain the unofficial “archive” of all non-financial DSC records as is reflected in the proposed additional language. This language was approved by the Constitution and Bylaws committee in 2017 and approved by the body at plenary. However, it was never sent out to be ratified by the DSO. This constitutional amendment was reapproved at plenary on February 21, 2020, and is on the upcoming election ballot for ratification.

Please spread this information widely and direct any questions related to the constitutional amendment or elections to the Co-Chair for Student Affairs Elizabeth Che at