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As we look toward 2021 and beyond, a glimmer of hope flickers on the horizon. Several countries have approved and even started administering vaccines, a development that has shifted the conversation from one centered on surviving and biding our time to that of reconstruction and rebuilding.

The Advocate is interested in creating a space for imagining reconstructions. We invite contributions that focus on questions such as the following: As we prepare to slowly ease back into old routines, what is the new ‘normal’ we want to bring into being? What modes of thought and relationality do we want to jettison, and in favor of what instead? What do we need to learn as we rebuild? What do we need to unlearn? Please feel free to imagine reconstruction expansively, including and beyond the immediate context of the pandemic.

We are interested in all genres of perspective and inquiry on the topic. We welcome contributions from all disciplinary perspectives and particularly encourage interdisciplinary ones. Artistic contributions such as poetry, short prose, photography, or design are welcome, as are interviews, anecdotes, recollections, and experimental explorations. Above all, we are interested in sharing diverse perspectives on and imaginative treatments of reconstruction within the CUNY community.


Our deadline for draft submissions is Jan 30th, 2020. We are aware that this is fast approaching, so if you want to contribute to this topic but will not be ready with a polished piece by then, send us a pitch or a draft anyway. We may be able to publish it in our next issue.

If you have another topic you wish to share, do not hesitate to contact us. We may be able to fit those into our general section. Lastly, we also welcome shorter review contributions on new books, films, performances, or exhibits you wish to share.

Please send your questions, thoughts, and ideas to our Editor-in-Chief, Rafael Munia at Also cc to

And yes, we pay for articles!

The Advocate pays $100-$120 for articles that are around 1500-2000 words, and about $150-$200 for longer essays that entail more research and labor. Other contributions like reviews and photo essays will also be compensated for at competitive rates. And of course, we promise enthusiastic editorial support and love from our team!

We look forward to receiving some excellent contributions from you!