This page contains general information for program student governments and Program Student Associations.


The following are sample models for program student governments based on known examples. For a printable version of these models, click here.

A. Direct Democracy

All students in the program, including the DSC Program Representative(s), are voting members of the program student association and elect one or more officer(s) to perform their executive functions.
PSAs_direct PSAs_key

Known examples of PSAs with this structure include Classics.

B. Governing Board

All students in the program elect representatives to each of the program standing committees, which in turn send one delegate to the governing board, which includes at least one DSC Program Representative. The board elects one or more officer(s) from among its own members.

Known examples of PSAs with this structure include Theatre.

C. Federation of Committees

All students in the program elect representatives to each of the program standing committees and a central student steering committee, which includes at least one DSC Program Representative. The steering committee includes non-voting representatives from each of the standing committees. The steering committee elects one or more officer(s) from among its voting members.

Known examples of PSAs with this structure include Philosophy.


For information on elections of student representatives within programs, see

Financial Services

Official Program Student Associations have access to DSC financial services through the Co-Chair for Business. Deposits are credited to the program’s DSC program allocation under the control of the DSC Program Representative(s) for that program. Additional monies remaining at the end of the fiscal year (not regular program allocation monies) can be carried forward upon request by the end of the spring semester. For more information about financial procedures, see Bylaw 6.1.d.


PSAs can have official Graduate Center e-mail accounts to conduct PSA business. These accounts would be accessible to current student leaders of the PSA. To create such an account or to change who can access the account, please contact the Co-Chair for Student Affairs.

In order to access these accounts, you must use GC computers.

Configuring Outlook For A Non-Human Mailbox (MAC)
Configuring Outlook For A Non-Human Mailbox (MAC)
Configuring Outlook for a Non-Human Mailbox (MAC).pdf
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Configuring Outlook For A Non-Human Mailbox (PC)
Configuring Outlook For A Non-Human Mailbox (PC)
Configuring Outlook for a Non-Human Mailbox (PC)_V2.docx
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