In furtherance of Bylaw 3.2.h, the Grants Committee has approved the following list of media and methods that are deemed sufficient for public notice and recognition of DSC sponsorship (All publicity must state DSC sponsorship unless exempt due to point #4 below):

  1. Within seven calendar days of the award date, principal investigators must send any updated information to the Officer for Funding ( for inclusion in DSC publicity.
  2. At least two methods from Category A must be used:
    • an email sent to at least two Assistant Program Officers, DSC Program Representatives, and a relevant subset of Chartered Organization leaders;
    • flyers posted and/or digitally displayed in, at minimum, the GC Lobby (1st Floor), Dining Commons (8th Floor), Gilleece Student Center (5th Floor) and, optionally, other areas. A draft copy of the flyer should be attached to the grant application and a final version of the flyer must be submitted when submitting receipts for reimbursement. A copy of the promotional flyer should be provided to the Co-Chair for Communications ( room 5491. Digital Signage How-To.
    • printed documents distributed at the event (e.g., programs, pamphlets, proceedings).
  3. At least two methods from Category B must be used:
    • OpenCUNY website/blog;
    • other web presence, including websites and social networking sites such as Facebook and/or Twitter, proof of social media posting (a screenshot) should be included when submitting receipts for reimbursement;
    • CUNY Academic Commons
    • the DSC’s Social Media Event Form
    • a listing in GC public calendars or public programs announcements (reach out to your APO or program staff for details).
  4. Events occurring within seven calendar days of the award notification date shall be exempted from requirements (2) and (3) above but must recognize DSC sponsorship through the following methods from Category C:
    • verbal announcement made at the event,
    • updating all electronic documents and media, and
    • (optionally) a statement of sponsorship in any reminder emails sent.